Saturday 7 August 2010

I take back everything I said about Primark

I'm in the UK as of several days ago, and I've finally got around to buying some clothes for my Bali trip. I didn't want to spend a fortune on travel wear and despite saying I wouldn't go anywhere near the place, I found myself in cheapo superstore Primark. I don't know what happened, but 1.5 hours later I emerged from there 60 pounds poorer but with approximately 10 new items of clothing bundled into a bag. I've always been a firm believer in 'you get what you pay for', but seeing nicely cut classic white tees at only 2 pounds that rule went straight out of the window. I was like 'who cares if they fall apart in two months!' I sincerely hope they are not made by children - a discreetly placed notice in the shop suggests they aren't, but the very fact the placard is there arouses suspicion. Also in my haul were pumps in black and metallic peach at 4 pounds, long floaty dresses, 2 quid leggings and some housewarming presents for my brother's new place (2 cushions for 6 pounds!) The only thing I'd say is that you have to rummage, you have to get past the idea of shopping being a pleasant experience for all the senses and you have to forget about attractive merchandising. Also, you definitely can't dress head to toe in stuff from here without being a little, er, flammable. But seriously, there is some nice stuff here. Viva bargains!

For Madrid dwellers who are interested there is a Primark in Carabanchel's chavvy Isla Azul shopping centre.

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

Cute! Love the pink metallic ballets flats!

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